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Google Ads Responsive Display campaign template spreadsheet

Google’s display network is one of the most effective ways to get in front of your audience. It can be challenging to get your customer to take action, but it is a great platform for building your brand and reinforcing your message to your remarketing audiences. 

Our Google Ads Responsive Display campaign template gives you the tools to easily plan your responsive display campaigns. Responsive display is a great quick alternative to custom ads, but they can also work well alongside them. 

Responsive display ads can be a bit of a minefield if you're working directly in-platform or from a word document, so our Google Ads Responsive Display campaign template spreadsheet helps you plan more efficiently and more effectively. 

1. Click Download the template 

2. Edit to your heart's content and start planning your Google Ads Responsive Display campaign

Google Sheet Tabs - What they do

Ad Specs

For your responsive Display Ads you will need to provide both images and logos. This tab gives you the required sizes, ratios and file size limits to ensure you don’t have any issues when you’re building in Google Ads. 


Just like Google’s other responsive campaign types, Responsive Display campaigns require you to provide 5 headlines and 5 descriptions so that Google can best optimise your campaign for the target audience. Additionally, you will need to provide a long headline and business name. The long headline is for larger sized ad spaces and may appear without the description – so make sure it makes sense on its own. 


Negatives are important to ensure your ads don’t show on any websites that you don’t want them to. Display negative keywords are not quite as precise as on search so it is important that you are diligent and pay attention to where your ads are being placed. 

We use negatives alongside site category options and content exclusions to make sure we are thorough in ensuring ads don’t appear where we don’t want them.

Google Ads Responsive Display campaign template spreadsheet

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